Saturday, November 29, 2008


I'm about to start Chapter 9 in Eclipse - I was able to read more this week than I thought I would. Actually, the reality is that I made time to read this book because it is soooo much better than New Moon!

Two thoughts I have... I am growing weary of Stephanie Meyer's pattern of chapters of slow build up. I am enjoying the lengthy explanations that Jacob and Rosalie have had the chance to give, but with the dangers of Victoria and the Volturi lurking, it would be nice to get on with it!

Also, Bella's relationship with Edward is borderline abusive. He doesn't let her are her friends and is in control of her every movement. She does call him on it and he promises to change, and in some ways he seems to have made those changes. But it worries me that this is a book geared towards teen girls.

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