Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Twilight"? Isn't that that teen book? You're reading that?

So admitting you are a 30 something reading this book is way less accepted than reading Harry Potter. I have had some 'splaining to do when discussing books with my friends but I don't care! I am nearly through chapter 17 and the gang is playing baseball in the thunderstorm. I wish I had a few hours to kill so I could finish this - my ferry ride just isn't long enough! It's a great read, like Harry Potter a well crafted story. Yes, it's written for teens and the point of view is unabashedly that of a teenaged girl. However, I was one of those and I'd like to think it wasn't THAT long ago so I can relate to it. It's a bit soap opera-y but not annoyingly so. And the sexual tension between Bella and Edward? Wow! So much is conveyed with just descriptions of looks and touches! Steamy! And I want Bella's truck.

I have seen the trailers too and am very excited - I recognize scenes from the book and the images match those in my head. But I haven't gotten to the dangerous part aluded to in the clip and don't want it ruined for me!

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