Saturday, November 29, 2008


I'm about to start Chapter 9 in Eclipse - I was able to read more this week than I thought I would. Actually, the reality is that I made time to read this book because it is soooo much better than New Moon!

Two thoughts I have... I am growing weary of Stephanie Meyer's pattern of chapters of slow build up. I am enjoying the lengthy explanations that Jacob and Rosalie have had the chance to give, but with the dangers of Victoria and the Volturi lurking, it would be nice to get on with it!

Also, Bella's relationship with Edward is borderline abusive. He doesn't let her are her friends and is in control of her every movement. She does call him on it and he promises to change, and in some ways he seems to have made those changes. But it worries me that this is a book geared towards teen girls.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, I finished New Moon. I have to say my disappointment with this book continued through the end. It just paled in comparison to Twilight and I can't wait to start the next one so Ms. Stephanie can redeem herself. Let me know when you are ready to chat about it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Verrrry Interesting!

Well, things have turned a corner and are getting very intersting! A good thing, too - I was getting tired of Bella leading Jacob on. Starting chapter 13 and getting hard to stop! I think her playlists are great (except for Linkin Park) and really go with the books. I'd love to chat on Monday!

Friday, November 7, 2008

"Twilight" playlist

I started to send you an email about this but decided it should be a blog entry instead. If you haven't already, check out Stephanie Meyer's website. Not only does she explain her inspiration for the story and why she choose Forks, but she has a playlist of music that she listened to when writing each novel - pretty cool! She says:

I can't write without music. This, combined with the fact that writing Twilight was a very visual, movie-like experience, prompted me to collect my favorite Twilight songs into a sort of soundtrack for the book. This list is not chiseled in granite; it transforms now and again. But, for the moment, here's the music I hear in my head while reading the book:

The Twilight Soundtrack:

1. "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" — Travis
2. "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" [video edit] — My Chemical Romance
3. "Creep" [radio edit] — Radiohead
4. "In My Place" — Coldplay
5. "By Myself" — Linkin Park
6. "Dreaming" — OMD
7. "Please Forgive Me" — David Gray
8. "Here With Me" — Dido
9. "With You" [reanimation remix] — Linkin Park
10. "Time is Running Out" — Muse
11. "Dreams" — The Cranberries
12. "Tremble for My Beloved" — Collective Soul
13. "Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)" — Billy Joel

She does this for each book - I may need to hit iTunes and do some downloading this weekend!

Also, regarding the lack o' Edward, Alicia says "hang in there!"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh Edward...

... How I miss thee.!

I am still enjoying the story, and think Jacob is super cool, but there is just something missing without Edward! That sexual tension... His beautiful face... He better show up soon!

(I'm in chapter 9, I think...)

Status update

I think I will get through chapter 7 by the end of my ferry ride, and perhaps through chapter 8 when I get my oil changed. Keep going? :-)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To chat or not to chat - WHEN is the question...

I might be able to do Wednesday - shall we try through chapter 5 and chat around 6:30/9:30? I don't want to wait 'til Friday!!!

And yes - what the heck - how could they leave???? A little disappointed they took off so suddenly since Twilight was all about the vampires adapting to life with Bella. But is there more to their leaving? Like the animal sounds Bella heard when she was in the forest? Hmmmm...

I love the 4 pages with the names of the months that passed - what a great way to convey the funk Bella is in!