Sunday, November 9, 2008

Verrrry Interesting!

Well, things have turned a corner and are getting very intersting! A good thing, too - I was getting tired of Bella leading Jacob on. Starting chapter 13 and getting hard to stop! I think her playlists are great (except for Linkin Park) and really go with the books. I'd love to chat on Monday!


Acorn Lane said...

There's no way I can catch up to you by tomorrow night. I'm still in Chapter 7. I was hoping to have time today to read, but didn't happen. Sorry. Last night Bella drove up the Cullen's driveway. I was SO scared. Really waiting for something to happen. But it didn't. She just went back to Jacob's and the bikes are done. Then I fell asleep.

Jenn said...

Do you want to chat anyway on Monday? Tuesday and Wednesday are out for me, but Thursday and Friday would work.